The Living Course

Blog Post


Which kid are you?

Kid 1

Photo credit: BCI Burke Comp.

A little girl decides to take a risk and climb on top of the monkey bars. The other kids in the playground look up at her in awe as she balances on the metal rods high above them. She puts her hands in the air, basking in her glory. When she makes it across everyone cheers.

What would that little girl learn about taking risks?
What would she learn about getting attention?
What assumptions would she start to make about herself?

Kid 2

Photo credit: Chicago Phoenix

Her friend sees this and decides to try climbing the bars too. She’s so nervous her feet are shaking and she falls to the ground. Everyone sees this and laughs.

What would that little girl learn about taking risks?
What would she learn about getting attention?
What assumptions would she start to make about herself?

Read the rest of Tracy Sayre’s insightful post now
 and learn how the two girls’ experiences might play out today.

The Living Course is a weekend workshop that expands your choices. Facilitated by two expert instructors, you will be guided through a series of exercises that shed light on childhood experiences that shaped the way you live as an adult. Understanding why you made certain choices early in life paves the way to changing the choices you make today. Register now.