The Living Course

Blog Post


Who inspires you?

Inspirational People
Take a moment and think about someone you look up to. Maybe it’s a famous celebrity or a world leader…a brilliant inventor or a victorious athlete.

Or maybe you draw your motivation from someone right next door. A lesser known hero…a teacher, a co-worker, an uncle or a friend.

When you think of that special someone, what qualities do they possess that you admire? Vision? Courage? Leadership? Aspiration? Kindness? Grace? Wisdom? Humility?

Maybe they have changed the world in an indelibly positive way. Or maybe their impact has been one of a quieter nature, leaving you and the other people in their wake unforgettably transformed.

If we interviewed these people of admiration and asked them what drives them to do what they do, we bet one answer would pervade: Clarity. Sure, their reasons and their objectives would vary widely, but you can be sure that they all had at least one thing in common. Each of them discovered an authentic desire within that couldn’t be ignored and then took action from a position of clear intention and purpose.

How many times have you said to yourself, “I’m just not sure what I should do?” The dilemma of not knowing what step to take next is a common one, but it’s one that can be easily resolved by getting clear on your purpose and your intention.

That’s what we do at The Living Course. We show you the way to clarity. The secret is: We’re not going to provide you with the answers. We’re going to teach you how to access the answers you already have within you. They’re there, believe us.

March 14-16 is right around the corner. Could you use a little clarity? Register now.

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