The Living Course

Blog Post


Climb a mountain!

Maya Angelou quote

How do you react when life presents you with a challenge? Do you curse it?…Wish it would disappear? Do you want to run in the opposite direction? If so, you’re not alone.

Often, we look at a challenge like a mountain that stands between us and our goals.

But what if you could face an obstacle in your path with courage and determination? Better yet, what if you could even be grateful for its existence? After all, a life challenge presents us with something of great value…an opportunity to grow. It provides us with the chance to prove to ourselves that the mountains that rise before us are nothing to fear. Great challenges make life interesting, and overcoming them makes life meaningful.


Join us for a transformational 30-hour learning experience that will help you forge a path, develop insights and practical life skills, improve relationships that are important to you, and fuel your determination to succeed beyond what you thought possible.

In place of seeing the mountain as an obstacle to avoid, The Living Course will encourage you to rise to the thrill of scaling it. We will equip you with tools so powerful that you’ll be inspired to seek out—not run from—your next big challenge. Register now.

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